Friday, September 23, 2011

The White House

Today I went to the White House! I saw the President and shook his hand after we had a chat about the possibilities of  objectivism being able to develop beyond Ayn Rand's original Formulation. (But it didn't really matter because it didn't really happen Oh!) I did however seriously take the White House tour which was a great experience.I am thankful that I had the opportunity to check it out.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


In the early days of the country, there were men facing the forefront of the global conciousness, some had faith in their eyes to see even beyond that edge.Strangers had once refered to them as frontiersmen.

President George Washington set the example of civilian rule over military rule when he resigned his commission. This example lead the New World to find freedom.

The Prophet Joseph Smith looked to the American west as a location to establish Zion, where all could be of one heart and of one mind.This establishemnt now extends throughout the world to share in the fullness of that faith.

Others times, glorious beards whistled in the high winds sounding the interest of adventurous Mountain Men. These men would shed their skills throughout the land by trading furs for bread and stories for gold.They headed west in search for more glory.

In that spirit, the winds streamed toward aviation and then space explorartion.

Now we live at the edge of the digital frontier,with the capablilites to write blogs and fight wars with social networks.

These men all had many different apearances and lead great lives, they were Frontiersmen.Who are the Frontiersmen of today?

Here are a few thoughts that come to mind. (If they just happen to wear beards, then it is a plus.)
Widerness Thereapy

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

One Love, One Job

The Gibson guitar company is having some issues at the moment.  

Gibson's CEO (believes that the Justice Department is bullying Gibson without filing charges.)

“The Federal Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. has suggested that the use of wood from India that is not finished by Indian workers is illegal, not because of U.S. law, but because it is the Justice Department’s interpretation of a law in India. (If the same wood from the same tree was finished by Indian workers, the material would be legal.) This action was taken without the support and consent of the government in India.” (

India is great and so are its people, but this situation has turned into an argument between foreign and domestic jobs which benefit Indian workers over US workers. Let's get to the point, there is only one job.We need companies like Gibson to manufacture more guitars much like Bob Marley's Les Paul to enable the world with the right tools to produce songs like "One Love... so we can feel alright."

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Black and Tired

I went to my first meeting outside of the office this week.

Anthony B. Bradley spoke at the The Heritage Foundation on his latest book, Black and Tired: Essays on Race, Politics, Culture and International Development. In his book, Dr. Bradley addresses local and global disparities in human flourishing that call for prudential judgments connecting good intentions and moral philosophy with sound economic principles.

I really enjoyed the Q and A session near the end.He expressed that "Stories compel action".We need to have better narratives and stories so people may draw out the principles for themselves.If it is the other way around then we might lose our audience. This is a highly effective way of getting a message across.I shook his hand afterward and said, "thanks that was very inspiring". check him out on CSPAN, ,or his video here .

The Adjustment Bureau

Fixing a tie or taking a glance at an attractive person in the side window reflection is not fate, it is a choice relative to an adjustment.Everytime I sit on the blue line I can't help to think about the Adjustment Bureau. The fedora hat wearing awesomness who can adjust your life but can't determine your fate.It brings back memories of my first day to work.

The blue line was flooded. Most riders impatiently flipped out because of the unexpected event,while I ended up being 45 min late, I knew it wasn't fate. It is my choice on how to react. If anything this adjustment helped me to find the extra time to gobble down my breakfast and gather some laughs for the new day.Thanks Adjustment Bureau see you next time it rains.

And I know who the Chairman really is, it is Morgan Freeman.Think about... really it is.The spokesman for the AARP (the most influential interest group with those closest to the vail of heaven),he has done everything on the Bucket List (omnipotent) and I don't remember him dying, The Shawshank REDEMPTION.He is also the host of one of my new favorite tv shows called Through the Worm Hole. In it he literally explains everything about the Universe.Can you think of anything else? I can't. Maybe I watch too many movies.

Beat It

Here is a rejected press release I came up with. It was encouraged but denied due to the polarizing nature of Michael Jackson in a conversation.

 Michael Jackson's song "Beat It" was released Feb. 14th 1983.
With his Birthday Celebration on August 29th we should be reminded to
"Beat It" .Each American should know that if the song cost 1 dollar
for every continuous play of "Beat It" since its release, it would have to be played for
92 million years to match the US national debt.

Quote: "I don't want to sound like a broken record but, How many times
would Americans need to "Beat It" into the minds of Congress to lower

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Abraham Lincoln wearing a rugby t-shirt?

Today I saw an Abraham Lincoln look-a-like under the blue line city metro wearing a rugby t-shirt. It is possible that I have stumbled across the space time continum and have initiated a time warp, hence the formidable weather patterns flooding,earthquake, and hurricanes. The last time this happened to me there ended up being "Tennis shoes among the Nephites" (

School House Rocks!

The subject of politics is only a distant memory for me from the school house rock days. Cartoons jammin out to tell me something important is what made "school cool" and memorable.The few people I've talked to so far all agree.I am not alone when the name Bill is mentioned. It reminds me of a husky voiced cartoon paper singing a recycled chorus line on the Capitol steps.

Rumor has it that after his career as a bill ended, he was labeled as a career politican's bill and then left to retire in a forclosure home out west near the conjunction junction. All is well now and still functioning.

Sharing is Caring

I am like most Americans when I look around and sit on the public transport. I am not too concerned about anything outside of my peripheral vision. Maybe I should care more, I heard Obama cares.

My small world for the moment consists of a little ol' lady behind me, and a guy across from me wearing tight shorts and penny lofers with no socks. We all share the same air but the humidity reeks of Obamacare. This is a politcal phrase I am still learning about. I figure it is something somewhere around here but no one really knows how to clean it out. Oh! I think this is my stop.